+256 702 772721

[email protected]

Junction Mall, Kireka, Kampala Uganda
Ground Floor, Office LG18.

Law enforcement according to ICANN 2013 agreement

Law enforcement, consumer protection, quasi-governmental or other similar authorities can send reports of Illegal Activity to the dedicated point of contact below:

Well-founded reports of Illegal Activity concerning generic domain names will be reviewed within 24 hours to take necessary and appropriate action in response to the report. In responding to any such reports, we will not be required to take any action in contravention of an applicable law.

As a Service Provider, we are committed to contribute to the maintenance of a safe, secure online environment and to limiting the potential for significant harm to internet users. We also recognize that there are many online security organizations and other security organisations that are committed to preserving the integrity of the Internet, we are prepared to co-operate with these organizations.

A key component of this commitment is to investigate and respond appropriately to all substantiated reports of malicious, illegal or fraudulent use of our services.

Any other party can submit abuse reports through our regular complaint procedure.

Report Abuse